Mold testing

When it comes to household mold, don’t guess -- TEST!

Hidden Dangers of Mold in Your Home

What’s causing that moisture in your home in the first place? It needs to get fixed before it causes structural decay and turns into a huge hassle to fix.

Don’t Fall for the #1 Mold Myth

Myth: You only need to worry about mold in your home if it’s black mold.
Fact: If there’s mold in your home — whether black mold or not — it needs to be removed safely and effectively.
Mold poses a risk to your health. Period.

It may play an important role in the ecosystem … outside. Mold has no business being in your home!

Signs You Need Your Home Tested for Mold

How We Test for Mold


It all starts with a mold inspection. House Doctor Pomales has over 30 years of experience performing mold inspections in homes, schools, hospitals, and commercial buildings. It is important to not only find the mold problem, but also understand why it is growing in order to address the underlying cause of the mold growth.


After identifying potential “hotspots” for indoor mold growth and accounting for your budget, we collect samples. Our sampling methodology may include:


The samples we collect are sent to an accredited laboratory to determine the following:


We need to know the types of molds that are present in your home because some species can be especially dangerous to humans and animals, including:

What Happens Next?

After testing your home for mold and providing a “diagnosis,” we’ll discuss possible solutions. House Doctor Pomales has a network of reputable professionals for referrals to make sure you get the top-notch mold removal and remediation services you need for healthy living.